Happy Holiday Season Paddlers,
As we move into December and the end of 2021, I thought this tool may serve us as we navigate the season and the ongoing Covid situations. It has been a challenging year to say the least and it has brought forth some BIG conversations which I can say have caused some strain in my close relationships.
As such, I always search for tools that can help me stay out of drama (not always so lucky), and focused on preserving respect when communicating with friends and family, as well as team mates! I hope you find it a helpful tool as well.
Credited to Brian Tracy, this tool provides relief by thinking logically and being proactive by focusing on the solution.
I have found that when I use this particular tool I change the language and look at the problem as a situation, which tends to deflate emotion. Also, when you apply this tool when dealing with others it removes the person and addresses behaviors which takes the personal factor out of the equation. Behaviors can be changed where people may not (unless they plan to on their own). I have used this tool in many areas of my life, time and again I hope you too find it useful.
Think logically when answering the following questions:
1.Identify the fear, worry or problem.
2.Change the language from a fear, worry or problem to a situation and define the situation.
3.Identify the cause void of people just the events leading up to the situation.
4.List the possible solutions to rectify the situation.
5.Make a decision on what to do.
6.Assign responsibility to each person listing the required behaviours not personality traits.
7.Set a deadline to see changes.
8.Stay focused on the actions you are taking when the mind wanders back to the problem, fear or worry!
Hope this helps you as much as it has helped myself over the years. Hope your holiday season brings a sense of peace and hope as we close 2021 and look forward to 2022!
Chat with you in the new year,
Cheryl Roose
Credit this article to: Brian Tracey
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